Published 25th Apr, 2023

Hello world


Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash

I’m starting this blog to give back my learnings to the community. I’ve thanklessly contributed much less in the past as I was mostly occupied with my work. This was primarily because I got a chance to work only in startup environment, where the TTM is generally very less.

In my first organisation, we use to work on a SaaS product where our team was scattered between India and U.S timezones. We use to sync once a day formally (as a standup) and spent rest of the day working on deliverables. While this organisation was “tech only” (as most of us were engineers working on outsourced products), I got a strong grip on technology tasks. When I joined LocoNav, there was a major shift from service to product based mindset. On a single floor, we had all the departments sitting and working (hustling). Accordingly, learnings were much different and ownership was even more than 100% :)

In my close to 8 years of experience, I’ve grown both technically and personally. I’ve built products, handled client interactions, hired people, contributed to building high level architectures, managed people, took care of appraisals, and what not. Based on all those learnings, I’ll spare time to write about topics that include (but are not limited to): Software Engineering, Culture, Leadership, and my specialization that is mostly in Ruby on Rails + AWS Cloud. I hope that readers will find this content useful.